Saturday, March 31, 2012

trim a URL link through datagrid


Is there anyway I can trim this URL?

The Output is something like this: and I want to get rid of everything past "?" so it just shows

This is the code i am using to get the URL through a datagrid in C#: 'Navigate='<%# Databinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "LinkPath") %>' How can I trim this URL in the backend?

Thanks for anyone that can help me out.


Hope this helps

//Create a method calledstring GetTrimmedURL(string CompleteURL){ string TrimmedURL = String.Empty; string str = CompleteURL;int intIndexOfchar = str.IndexOf("?"); TrimmedURL = str.substring(intIndexOfchar, (str.Length() - intIndexOfchar));return TrimmedURL;}

Call this method at the place where you are doing the data binding. Say something like

'Navigate='<%# GetTrimmedURL(Databinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "LinkPath")) %>'

Please note that this trims from the first instance of question mark though.

Hope this helps

Note: Pls watch out for small syntactical errors. Did this on a notepad.



You can do the following to strip the querystring off the URL:

Uri linkPath =new Uri(YOUROBJECTHERE.LinkPath);string newLinkPath = linkPath.Scheme + "://" + linkPath.Host + linkPath.AbsolutePath;

You could either do this is in the class you are databinding to, or perhaps in an OnItemDataBound event handler on your DataGrid, depending on your preference.

Hope this helps.



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