Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Troubble with links in emails

I'm having trouble with links in emails which are sent from my webapp. I'm using System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient and sending mails as plain text. My email body contains a link e.g. Some times the dot between blabla and com disappears when the recipient gets the mail.
I was sure this was an issue with the mail client, but apparently many of our customers are experiencing the same problem. I haven't been able to reproduce this problem myself because all my email clients display the links properly, but I have had some of our clients forward the mails to me, and the dot is actually missing. (http://www.blablacom/Page.aspx).
Have any of you guys seen this problem before? And how can I solve it?Are you still using the Beta version??
Yes, this is beta 2. I haven't been able to test it on the final version yet, because I can't reproduce the problem myself and we haven't shipped the new version to our customers yet.
Do you think it will work differently in the final version?
This is an issue that I haven't heard of earlier. I suggest you download the RTM of the .Net Framework and install it (remember to uninstall any beta version before installing if you intend to do this on the same machine). If your problem remains, I suggest you check the original data and code for string manipulation methods which may cause dots to disappear.
We uninstalled Beta 2 and installed RTM. This solved the problem without any changes to the code.


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