Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Trouble converting object to a string using format

Hi all,

I have an object (ie: type Object) which contains a date string like this: 28/04/2004 02:32:52 PM. (This object comes from a legacy COM dll that we use against our database so I can't change this type.)

I want to convert this Object's string to a date in a date format such as "yyyy-MM-dd" which is stored in another string (we get this from the globalisation settings as follows):

_dateFormat = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"], true).DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern.ToString();

So, taking my object with the long date string (remember, it is not a DateTime object) I want to convert it to another string using the format above... so I'd get a string containing "2004-04-28".

Anyone know how I can do this... it should be easy but I can't seem to get it to work.

TIA for any help...

what don't u use something like this:

( (DateTime)urObject).ToShortDateString();

try it and tell me what happens.
Thanks Haidar... don't why I didn't get that first time around!


Glad i was able to help you out my friend.

Good Luck.


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